International Super Moon Meditation for Our World Leaders

Participate in a bold experiment. Can we really influence our world leaders with meditation and prayer?
The full moon’s gravitational pull is a universal joke, but it is truly a powerful time of reflection, as it tends to bring out whatever is lurking in just under the surface of the unconscious. Astronomer and astrologers, scientists and philosophers all, hold the moon with fascination and respect. Each one of us, no matter what country, no matter what religion, no matter what political bent, can see the moon. We all have the moon in common.
This event is a call for each of us, as we gaze in wonder at the Moon, to take a moment, several moments, or even an hour or more to meditate and pray for international peace: that our leaders set aside greed and fear and return to actions of service; that we take courage and sit with our own emotions; and that we all turn to look at each other with a new perspective.
This full moon is the Cold Moon, or the Long Night’s Moon, a super moon as it occurs when the moon is at its closest point to the earth in its orbit. As the moon affects us, we affect each other, too. We contribute to the energy of the times.
Join this event, share, and participate in a bold experiment.
Add any of your positive world thoughts, moon thoughts, and peaceful thoughts below.
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